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Blog »  How are compressed woodchips an efficient alternative to logs?

Hotties or compressed wood chips are a clean and fuel-efficient alternative to logs. There are several attributes of hotties that make these a better alternative when compared to logs.
    • Woodchips are made from 100% renewable, clean recycled wood, making them very environmentally friendly.
    • They are denser and drier when compared to a traditional log.
    • Hotties do not expand or crumble and give off more heat every time.
    • These are easy and clean to handle.
    • Since they are cut into neat square logs that are 8 inches long, these are easy and tidy to stack up and store.
    • These are suitable for all stoves, log burners, fire pits, and chimneys.
    • Woodchips do not spit or spark, so are a safe alternative to use.
    • Clean burning ultimately means low ash residue, less soot, clean stoves, cassette fires, and clean chimneys.
    • Since the moisture content is less than 5%, Hotties are easy to light, burn well and have a good heat output.
    • Great to use independently or mixed with regular fuel.
At Four Seasons Fuel, we offer these at competitive prices. 5 packs of logs start at £32.50, and the prices reduce further as you buy in bulk. Visit our website for more details.